15 Warning Signs of Abuse I am going to do something different here, and rather than writing about the earliest warning signs that abuse will likely be oncoming in a relationship, I’ll write about the warning signs that you are already in an abusive relationship. I will offer you—what I have learned through talking to many, ...
Read moreThe Paradox of Trying to Change Others I posted a tweet recently that received a big response. The tweet: “Paradox: Once u GET that u can only change self, you’re then most able to influence others to change. Why would u say that is?” Here is a random sampling of the responses: @ViaK4 I think it’s because ...
Read moreWhat is Enmeshing Behavior? Quality-Time Enmeshing (QTE), or simply “enmeshing,” is a powerful indicator of violence to come when the relationship also has at least one type of Disrespectful Behavior occurring in it. Enmeshing can look very different in different relationships. But there are 3 defining characteristics (always present) that identify enmeshing: While enmeshing may begin at different ...
Read moreThe earliest warning signs of violence are usually not the stereotypical warning signs. Read on to gain a better understanding of how a behavior that seems positive can actually be an early warning sign. Several categories of “positive” behaviors emerged from our research as foretelling physical violence in the relationship, particularly when these behaviors occurred in the relationship in addition to one ...
Read moreWhat is Disrespectful Behavior? Frequently, those who come out of an abusive relationship are confused about what “respect” means. This happens because an abusive person will often say things to his or her partner such as “You don’t respect me. You are so disrespectful. How about a little respect?!” What the abusive person means by “respect” is ...
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