Besides speaking engagements and intensive trainings, I do regular one-on-one coaching, mostly over-the-phone. For more about what coaching is, please read “What is Coaching?” If you are interested in setting up a coaching structure with me, please complete this application. I look forward to it. Here are some of the video testimonials about my coaching.
I also do anger management training. I teach a very affective anger management program. It is research-proven effective. I teach it one-on-one over-the-phone (so the person can be long-distance).
The program is so effective that people see dramatic changes within the first 2 to 3 sessions. You’ll end the first session feeling much better already. By the end of the second session, you will be feeling and doing way better. By end of the third session you’re well on your way to transformation.
This program works for people who have problems with anger, for people described as “hotheads,” and for people who’ve been emotionally abusive to others. Many a man has found me after his partner finally told him that if he doesn’t seek help for his anger, she’s leaving him. So people come as a last ditch effort, and this training turns their relationship around. Also, the effects of this training generalize, so that they work on other negative emotions too, such as anxiety and depression, not just anger.
Perhaps surprisingly, this program equally helps victims of anger and abuse change their lives.
Here, please see testimonials related to my anger management training.
Professional colleagues such as those in the counseling or consulting professions in some way, law enforcement, those in victim services, who are really into doing their best for all their clients, will sometimes consult with me about domestic violence cases.
For example, if you’re a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and you determine that one of the couples you are seeing, who at first you thought had typical marital challenges, actually has violence in their relationship, you may realize you’re unsure how to proceed with them, not having been specifically trained about helping in cases of domestic abuse.
I can help. Not only will I give you a lot of information on how to work with them and what to teach them, I’ll provide you with my detailed notes on our consults and the information that I suggest.
Professional colleague testimonials
To learn more about any of these one-on-one options (private coaching, training, or consulting), you are welcome to call 972-325-1802 or to email. Also, please know that my services are satisfaction guaranteed.
No pay-off (for you), No pay (for me)
I appreciate your interest in me, and your careful time and attention on my site. Have a grateful day, Dr. Stephanie Lang